Hello Friends, Welcome to Atomy India.
In this Post we will check the detailed profile and business plan of ATOMY.
If you will look at above image, there are appx 14 lakh members registered in India with ATOMY. This is when the company is not yet launched in India and in Pre launch stage.
Why there is so much craze about this company in Indian direct marketing industry. Why people are joining this company in Pre launch? Lets have a look at it.
Company profile:
Atomy started their business in 2006 from South Korea.In 2010, they launched their Global Distribution Plan and launched their business in USA. In 2011, they launched in Japan and Canada. Post 2011 they launched their business in more than 16 countries and now their next big launch is in INDIA (approx Sept-Nov 2020)
ATOMY is currently ranked 20 in top 100 companies in direct Selling.
Atomy is joint venture of 2 South Korean Govt. units - KAERI and KOLMAR
lets talk about KAERI first. Korean Automic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) launched in 1959. This is Korean Govt's research center and stand 2nd in the World research center after NASA.
They have 11 laboratories where more than 4000 scientist and 1500+ PHD holders works. For Atomy, their involvement is to do R&D, Create formula and patent it.
Now KOLMAR, launched in 1921 has almost 100 years of experience in manufacturing. Kolmar is an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and ODM(Original Design manufacturer) company that manufacture cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and health supplements. All the formula's which KAERI has patented is manufactured by KOLMAR.
Below are some of the Global clients of Kolmar. This shows how most of popular brand trust kolmar for manufacturing their products.
Now that we have gone through the company profile, next thing you will be interested in knowing ATOMY's business plan. Before moving to business plan, let me take you through some of the important points why should we join ATOMY.
- NO Joining Fee
- NO Monthly/Annual Fee
- Zero Capital investment, hence no risk
- No need to leave your existing work/Job.
- Absolute quality products at absolute price.
- No Auto order or auto ship
- No lapse of points. It always be added up
- Purchase only one product to keep your ID active
Above chart make it very simple to know what their business plan is. It is a Binary plan where you can only 2 members under you. one to your left and other to your right. All new members which you will add will go under any 2 members you added earlier.
Lets understand the chart in detail. Lets speak about level 1.
When you purchase products worth Rs.1500 approx (10,000 PV) you are eligible to earn commission.
Now Suppose members in your left team does business worth Rs.45000 apprx and right team does sales worth Rs.45000 approx (3,00,000 PV). The day when it matches you will get Rs.1700 as commission. Let me explain this.
All left team members consolidated turnover reached to Rs.45000 on 10th Jun. However right team members managed to reach turnover of Rs.45000 on 15th Jun. Now in this scenario you will get your commission on 15th Jun as this is the date when turnover of your left and right team matched.
lets take level 2. When your compounding turnover reaches to Rs.45000, and your left nd right team each manages to do same volume, you are eligible to get Rs.5500 as commission.
With Similar logic all other level works. The commission is calculated daily. So if your team can complete the turnover daily, you will get commission daily.
Is't is interesting? simple ?. with little hard work you can earn handsome money as your passive income. You can even think this as your active income as opportunities and possibilities in this business are huge.
You can visit below video to know more about ATOMY.
I hope now you have a fair idea about ATOMY and its business plan. I thank you for your time. I would love to hear from you on ATOMY Business Plan in comment section.